Whether we realize it or not, the average person actively uses his or her mind to solve problems on a daily basis. This is true regardless of the work you do, whether you are married or not, or whether you have children or not. Problems come in all sizes and shapes. Whether the problem is simple or complex, there is usually a solution that can be found. Here are 4 simple problem-solving tips to follow when a problem arises:
1. Define The Problem
In order to find a solution to a problem, you must first identify what the problem is. It helps if you look at the problem from an outside perspective in order to assess how the problem can be solved. In most cases there are many different causes of the problem or many different solutions to the problem. Many problems have underlying issues that are not clear with the first analysis, and many problems have multiple causes. It is important that secondary issues are also identified. An example would be a home that is on the resale market too long. The problem is clear, but the cause or the reason will be identified when the problem is thoroughly explored.
2. Creating Alternative Solutions
More than one solution may exist, and in fact, there are alternative solutions. Referring to the example above, several solutions may be available to the homeowner. Seeking professional expertise may result in options like staging, dropping the price, creating better curb appeal, etc.
3. Evaluate Each Alternative & Select The Best One
This step requires a careful study of the best outcomes and the barriers to achieving each. The best solution could be the one that is most easily implemented, or the one that is least costly. It may be that the best solution is the one that seems to prevent the problem from recurring.
4. Implementing The Solution
Selecting the best alternative may depend on how easy it can be implemented. Problem solving skill building experts agree that the implementation plan is a critical consideration. Of course, this is a logical assumption because a plan is worthless if it cannot or will not be implemented.
It is important that you find problem solving methods that work for you. The Exodus Escape Room games will test your problem solving skills and help you to understand whether you need to develop these skills further. The Exodus Escape Room is an excellent place to assess your skills and to even refine them. The atmosphere is non-judgmental and non-threatening.
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