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10 Things You Can Do Everyday To Benefit Your Brain

10 Things You Can Do Everyday To Benefit Your Brain

We all aim to be in perfect health. One of the most important body parts is the brain. The brain serves most of our body functions. It even controls our moods and feelings. Taking care of this valued asset should be of primary concern to everyone. Here are 10 things you can do every day to benefit your brain: 1. Basking in the morning sun. It is no secret that sunlight is vital for our health. But I’m pretty sure you had no idea how essential it is for our brain health. Sun enables our brains to defeat Seasonal Affective Disorder; which is a deep sense sadness. More sun translates to us being happier. 2. Exercise. Doing about 30 minutes of exercise daily works wonders to your brain. The cardio energizes your brain making it more active and alert. 3. Have a few cups of tea/coffee. These beverages contain caffeine

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Get Rid Of Those Nerves By Chewing Gum

Get Rid Of Those Nerves With Some Gum

Chewing gum can have a calming effect. People that are nervous are looking for something to do. Chewing gum gives them a task to complete as they often try to ignore some of the stressful aspects of a given task. Can you continually chew gum for an extended period of time? Does it show a certain amount of intelligence in order to be able to chew gum for that long haul? Chewing gum is much healthier than most people previously thought. There are a number of different stimulating exercises that can be performed in the Exodus Room. You will find that chewing gum can help you relax as you try to crack different codes. Researchers say that the cracking of the codes can take time and that the process of chewing gum can clear your mind as you are trying to get this done. Are your anxiety levels too high

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Six Tips To Get Your Team To Work Together

Six Tips To Get Your Team To Work Together

Creating teamwork at workplace it is a tough process. The process involves taking a group of independently talented individuals and creating a team in which they can amalgamate their talents. This act of merging independent talents will not only release remarkable amount of energy and creativity, but will also improve their performance, engagement and loyalty. Here are six effective tips for getting your team to work together: -Lay Foundation by Setting Goals Invest time in laying a foundation that creates a common frame work for every team member. Start by addressing the purpose. Set out the actual goals and inform your team of its function in relation to the set goals. Include timelines and plans that will clearly define goals for the team. -Form Common Skills Ensure that every member has a common skill base for problem solving, communication, conflict resolution and giving and receiving peer feedback. Teams that have

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Enlightening And Educative Details About Exodus Escape Room

Enlightening And Educative Details About Exodus Escape Room

Participating in an engaging and adventurous game is not only enjoyable, but it also exercises the brain while at the same time building a team spirit amongst the people playing. One of the top games that can serve these purposes is the game known as Exodus Escape Room. This particular game is a real life adventure where players are locked in a room and given sixty minutes to solve ciphers and crack codes so as to escape. The players are required to work together in working on clues and solving puzzles so as to escape. To escape successfully within the sixty minutes time limit players need to explore their surroundings’, be observant and rely on their critical thinking skills. Exodus escape room is ideal to be played by friends or even employees who need to work together. This game has been designed for small groups of two to fourteen people

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7 Tips To Help Relieve Stress

7 Tips To Help You De-Stress

Constant stress, whether it may be from an unhappy marriage, heavy workload, or as minor as daily commute, can have long-term effects on the health. It can result in mood swings, sleep apnea, loss of appetite, and physical effects and even heart related issues. Here are 7 Tips to Help You De-Stress: 1. Connect with Nature Take a walk in the park. The reason we feel stressed out is because we are usually confined to a small room. Switching environment every now and then helps greatly. This can be done by occasionally take a peek outside the window. Whether at home or office, observing the nature’s view, listening to the chirps; play a big role in relieving stress. 2. A Good Night Sleep Stress interferes with sleep. Sleep, in turn, affects our health. Creating a restful environment helps us get peaceful sleep that we need. In addition to it, avoid alcohol, TV,

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How to Improve Your Memory

How to Improve Your Memory

In order for you to have a strong memory, the health and strength of your brain matters a lot. You may be in a working profession that demands you to always be mentally sharp or a student trying to study hard in order to pass exams, but all this depend on your memory. There are various things that you can do to help you improve your memory. Below are the tips on how to improve your memory:   Eat a Well-Balanced Diet The type of food that you eat and those that you avoid has a great effect on your memory. Try eating fresh vegetables and healthy fats, but avoid sugary foods and grain carbohydrates. For example foods such as Celery, broccoli, walnuts and cauliflower contain antioxidants that help in the protection of the brain and stimulate the making of new brain cells. Coconut oil is a good example of

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How To Improve Your Cognitive Ability

How To Improve Your Cognitive Ability

Improving cognitive ability involves acquiring the skills and knowledge required to think abstractly and make important decisions using logical reasoning. People do not realize that they can improve their cognitive ability regardless of their age or educational background. Cognitive learning is the path toward becoming a more informed and capable person. It is how we acquire the important cognitive ability. The cognitive learning process involves four steps: getting access to new information and data, thinking about it in a critical way, assessing it from your perspective, and then using your conclusions to enhance your existing knowledge. Think of this process as the way you develop the ability to make sound decisions. Learning new information and skills becomes difficult without this process. Improving your cognitive abilities will make solving everyday problems easier. Whether the problems are simple or complex, you will have the skills to solve them easily with confidence. Life

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Critical Thinking In The Decision Making Process

Critical Thinking In The Decision Making Process

The decision making process is a key part of problem solving. Critical thinking is one of the basic decision making and problem solving techniques. Critical thinking is the practice of gathering, analyzing, and evaluating information in a methodical manner. Essentially, this is a process for thinking clearly through several options and arriving at the best choice. The ultimate goal of decision making is to arrive at actionable conclusions, and critical thinking is the process that proves whether the conclusion is sound. The Critical Thinking Process Involves 5 Steps 1, Identification – Identify the problem and define it accurately. 2. The Solution – Propose a potential solution. 3. Exploration – Create a potential action plan that results in the evaluation of the potential solution. 4. Action – Take the essential steps to complete and implement the action plan. 5. Reevaluate – Review the action plan to determine if it solved the

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Does Competition Boost Brain Power?

Does Competition Boost Brain Power?

The answer to this question has been provided by the renowned neuroscientists who have studied, and continue to study, the impact of competition on the brain. The answer is unequivocal yes! The science of neurogenesis has demonstrated that people can improve their brain power by performing winning tasks. This does not mean that always winning is the key, but rather it means that improvements over past accomplishments and performances are the path to steady improvement in brain power. This science also discovered that our brains are reshaped when we act to improve through competition or the mastering of a new skill. Reshaping our brains means that we alter brainwaves that improve our performance and our intellectual powers. Risk-takers who rely on the cutting edges of new possibilities are the people who will experience a boost in their brain power.These are the people who engage in mental fitness efforts. People who

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How Success Affects Brain Chemistry

How Success Affects Brain Chemistry

Completing the puzzles and solving the problems involved in our games before the time runs out involve the fun mechanics that everyone loves. The games at the Exodus Escape Room provides these mechanics. The games are leveraged to your advantage, and they will make you more confident, smarter and help you to achieve better results in your work. While one or two people can play our games, they are usually played by a group that plays as a team. Playing our games reveals an interesting phenomenon in biology. This phenomenon is a large release of testosterone and dopamine into the brain. This will eventually result in beneficial changes to the brain’s chemical makeup and structure making the person smarter and more comfortable with larger challenges. A prominent cognitive neuroscientist says that success shapes our brains much more than do drugs and genetics. By focusing on completing the puzzle or solving

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